Our metrology service is comprehensive, ranging from on-site data capture to data processing and delivery of measurements to analyse the failure, wear or distortion of mechanical components and/or assemblies.

Nos solutions

Dimensional inspection


Positioning inspection, adjustment and reverse engineering… these techniques have multiple applications.

Metrological inspection
relevé scanner en fond de piscine nucléaire
Acquisition in a nuclear pool

Measurements underwater and high-radiation environments


Our metrological expertise with submerged equipment used in the nuclear power industry is based on a ruggedised and robotic 3D laser scanning solution.

What sets us apart distinctively from competitors

  • Our ability to acquire high-precision measurements regardless of:
    • volume, length, shape
    • complexity, weight, fragility
    • material or colour
  • Operational development engineering: innovative techniques and production of measurement robots
  • 25 years of experience in metrology for leading industrial, nuclear, water company and other clients